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Summary of the 8th Session of the “Conversas à Quinta-feira” debate

The importance of women in politics

There have never been so many, but there are still few women in politics. What remains to be done to build a more just society, without gender discrimination in equal opportunities? This was the motto of the debate “The importance of women in politics”, which counted on the precious testimony of four women, from different generations, who have dedicated part of their lives to serving the public cause: Maria da Graça Carvalho, Ofélia Ramos, Filomena Sintra, Bárbara Do Amaral Correia.

In politics there is a greater criticality about women than about men. Appearance is still an issue. So it is essential that women be confident, be safe, be determined. Do not give up being who you are: Women!

Ofélia RamosMember of the AR

The best quality of a woman to be in politics is to have quality. It's the merit! (...) When we have women in prominent places, they will have this attention themselves

Bárbara do Amaral CorreiaJSD Algarve President

Maria da Graça CarvalhoEurodeputada

I think that a reflection should be made about which women came to politics through the law of parity and how we can fine-tune or not the model (...) Something should be changed and not have an absolute percentage to guarantee any cost and under any circumstances

Filomena SintraVice President C.M.Castro Marim

Watch or review the eighth session of “Conversas à Quinta-feira”, moderated by Cláudia Sofia Sousa.

Note: The video has two parts, due to a technical failure that forced us to interrupt the live broadcast for minutes. Although for reasons beyond our control, we apologize for what happened.

Watch the 1st Part of the SessionWatch the 2nd Part of the Session