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BelaOlhão: PSD against municipal acquisition of property

Those elected by the PSD in the City Council and Municipal Assembly voted against the proposed acquisition by the Municipality of Olhão on the part of Ambiolhão E.M., of the property of the old BelaOlhão factory, in that industrial area of ​​the city.

Recently, in a Municipal Assembly, the PSD’s municipal bench accused the Municipality of “using the power of Local Administration to carry out operations with a purely real estate interest”.

In the explanation of vote, the PSD bench recalls that the purchase of the building, in co-ownership with Ambiolhão, had the objective of installing the services and workshops of this Municipal Company, which never happened, as “it was predictable”.

As it is an “area of ​​excellent location, on the coast, in an area of ​​rapid expansion of the urban fabric with future urban potential”, the PSD bench always considered “eventual out-of-context” the eventual installation of Ambiolhão shipyards and workshops services at that time. privileged location in the city.

The PSD considers, therefore, that “the true intention of the Municipality was not to serve the public interest, but rather to make a business worth 4 million and 500 thousand euros for real estate investment purposes.

The suspicion was confirmed by the proposal of the Detail Plan East of Olhão, which focuses on the area of ​​the old factory, and justifies the acquisition of the entire property by the Municipality of Olhão.