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Status of public health in analysis in Conversas à Quinta

In the aftermath of a pandemic that tested the response of the National Health Service, PSD Olhão will analyze the “Status of public health”, in the next videoconference “Conversas à Quinta”, transmitted live via Facebook, on 10 September at 9:30 pm.

What SNS do we want? How to solve the problem of lack of doctors? When will the so-called Hospital Central do Algarve cease to be a promise and an eternal dossier on the table, to become a reality? Assessing the government’s strategy in the fight against COVID-19, these will be the central issues of the debate that will count on the opinion of the following speakers:

Rui Cristina – Deputy to the AR

Moura Reis – Former President of ARS Algarve

Pedro Mendes – Nurse

The debate will be moderated by lawyer Álvaro Viegas.

Launched in times of social isolation, to maintain a close dialogue with citizens, the videoconferences “Conversas à Quinta – Renascer com Alma”, promoted by PSD Olhão, will go on in the sixth session and will continue, in this format, until December, always on the second Thursday of each month, seeking to address the key themes of political and social news.