PSD Olhão applauds IMI reduction regretting electoral move
The PSD of Olhão welcomes the intention of the city council executive to propose to the Municipal Assembly, on November 26, the reduction of the IMI rate from 0.40% to 0.38%, thus benefiting property owners in the Olhão municipality.
However, he regrets that the same PS, which now presents this proposal, rejected it, in exactly the same way, when presented by the PSD in the years 2017, 2018 and 2019.
It was regrettable the PS’s rejection of the PSD’s successive proposals, because, if these had been approved, this year the owners would have already benefited from this reduction, in a particularly difficult year. The PSD can only conclude that the main motivation of the PS, when proposing this reduction in the IMI, is not the well-being of the citizens of our municipality, but rather an electoral move, knowing that the next municipal elections will take place in October of 2021.