EventsOpinion The last summer of the Shellfish Festival? Tourism promises to fill hotels and parties, fairs and festivals are once again being announced…PSD OlhãoJune 2, 2022
CultureOpinion Abúndio Martins de Sousa: Let’s have culture! "All modern, humanist, democratic and developed societies must commit themselves to the creation, preservation and…PSD OlhãoMay 21, 2022
Opinion What housing policy? This executive who in 8 years has not built a fire now announces 54. But…PSD OlhãoAugust 19, 2020
Opinion Álvaro Viegas: The incompetent and the others Recently, the mayor called the PSD and its leaders incompetent. The simplest definition of incompetent…geral@psd-olhao.ptJune 27, 2020
Opinion Álvaro Viegas: The clean-up of the Ria Formosa It is not enough to proclaim that Olhão is in fashion, it is necessary and…geral@psd-olhao.ptJune 6, 2020