AnnouncementsLocal Elections 2021 PSD Olhão welcomes 100% return to street market It was with great satisfaction that, on this Saturday morning, the PSD Olhão and the…PSD OlhãoJune 19, 2021
AnnouncementsLocal Elections 2021 PSD Olhão defends small producers and calls for the reopening of the street market for all We argue that, as long as the entry of customers continues to be controlled, the…PSD OlhãoJune 12, 2021
Announcements PSD Olhão gives voice to the Social Democratic Mayors in the last session of “Conversas Soltas” The videoconference will be broadcast live on PSD Olhão's Facebook page, Monday, May 31, at…PSD OlhãoMay 27, 2021
Announcements PSD Olhão marks Labor Day with videoconference dedicated to Social Democratic Workers The videoconference can be followed live, on the Facebook pages of PSD Olhão and TSD…PSD OlhãoApril 27, 2021
AnnouncementsLocal Elections 2021 PSD Olhão announces all the leaders of the list to Local Elections 2021 The Political Section Committee of Olhão, of the Social Democratic Party, recently elected, to propose…geral@psd-olhao.ptApril 19, 2021
Announcements PSD Olhão does not recognize the competence of PS Olhão to answer for AMAL We consider that PS Olhão exceeded all acceptable limits, confirming the arrogance and authoritarianism that…PSD OlhãoApril 17, 2021
Announcements Spot work dispenses advertising paid by taxpayers The Political Commission of the PSD Olhão repudiates the attitude of the city council executive…PSD OlhãoMarch 26, 2021
Announcements PSD Olhão marks Women’s Day with videoconference dedicated to Social Democratic Women The videoconference, entitled “The social role of MSD”, will be broadcast live on the Facebook…PSD OlhãoMarch 6, 2021
Announcements Role of party youths opens new cycle of PSD Olhão’s video conferences Broadcast on the Facebook page of PSD Olhão, on Tuesday (Carnival), February 16, at 9:30…PSD OlhãoFebruary 11, 2021
Announcements Olhão’s city council does not resolve or accept solutions Beco da praia - Fuseta: PSD Olhão presented a resolution proposal for a disorderly parking…PSD OlhãoFebruary 10, 2021